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Cara Buat Form Transparan


on Minggu, 17 Maret 2013 | 14.51.00

Langsung Aja

- Buat 1 Form Dengan Name Terserah Anda

-Tambahkan 2 Timer 1 dan Timer2 di Form Anda Dengan Interval 500

-Tambahkan Lagi 1 Module dengan Name Module1

Isi Code Berikut Pada Module
Option Explicit

Type xparticle
x As Integer
y As Integer
oldX As Integer
oldY As Integer
iStopped As Integer
End Type

Global Const kecepatan_salju = 400
Global Const ukuran_salju = 1
Global snow(0 To kecepatan_salju) As xparticle

PostSubyek: Buat Form BerSalju Yesterday at 9:52 am Balas dengan kutipan Ubah/Hapus pesan Hapus post ini Lihat IP pengirim
Langsung Aja

- Buat 1 Form Dengan Name Terserah Anda

-Tambahkan 2 Timer 1 dan Timer2 di Form Anda Dengan Interval 500

-Tambahkan Lagi 1 Module dengan Name Module1

Isi Code Berikut Pada Module
Option Explicit

Type xparticle
x As Integer
y As Integer
oldX As Integer
oldY As Integer
iStopped As Integer
End Type

Global Const kecepatan_salju = 400
Global Const ukuran_salju = 1
Global snow(0 To kecepatan_salju) As xparticle

Tambahkan Code Di Bawah Pada Form
option Explicit
Dim jalan As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()
ScaleMode = vbPixels
DrawWidth = ukuran_salju
BackColor = vbBlack

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To kecepatan_salju
snow(i).x = CInt(Int(ScaleWidth * Rnd))
snow(i).y = CInt(Int(ScaleHeight * Rnd))

jalan = True
Timer1.Enabled = True

Const sTEXT = "Karamecat"
ForeColor = vbRed
FontSize = 20
CurrentX = ScaleWidth / 2 - TextWidth(sTEXT) / 2
CurrentY = ScaleHeight / 2 - TextHeight(sTEXT) / 2 - 5
Print sTEXT

Const sText2 = "karameca.forumid.net"
CurrentX = ScaleWidth / 2 - TextWidth(sText2) / 2
CurrentY = ScaleHeight / 2 + TextHeight(sText2) + 2
Print sText2

ForeColor = vbWhite
End Sub

Sub DrawSnow()
Dim i As Integer
Dim newX As Integer
Dim newY As Integer

Timer1.Enabled = False

Do While jalan
For i = 0 To kecepatan_salju
PSet (snow(i).oldX, snow(i).oldY), vbBlack
PSet (snow(i).x, snow(i).y)
Next i

For i = 0 To kecepatan_salju
snow(i).oldX = snow(i).x
snow(i).oldY = snow(i).y
newX = snow(i).x + Int(2 * Rnd)
newX = newX - Int(2 * Rnd)

newY = snow(i).y + 1

If Point(newX, newY) = vbBlack Then
snow(i).y = newY
snow(i).x = newX
If snow(i).iStopped = 10 Then
If Point(snow(i).x + 1, snow(i).y + 1) = vbBlack Then
snow(i).x = snow(i).x + 1
snow(i).y = snow(i).y + 1
snow(i).iStopped = 0
ElseIf Me.Point(snow(i).x - 1, snow(i).y + 1) = vbBlack Then
snow(i).x = snow(i).x - 1
snow(i).y = snow(i).y + 1
snow(i).iStopped = 0
NewParticle (i)
End If
snow(i).iStopped = snow(i).iStopped + 1
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub

Sub NewParticle(i As Integer)
snow(i).x = CInt(Int(ScaleWidth * Rnd))
snow(i).y = 0
snow(i).oldX = 0
snow(i).oldY = 0
snow(i).iStopped = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
jalan = False
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
End Sub

Kemudian coba di jalankan programnya

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